About Us

Women´s Center Mainz

The Women´s Center in Mainz advocates for equality for women. Since its founding,
48 years ago, a diverse and comprehensive array of consulting, educational and
cultural programs for women developed, which adapt to current social changes.

Goals and ambitions

The goal of the association is to abolish patriarchal and structural violence as well
as dissolving traditional, normative gender roles and power imbalance. We want to

  • inform and empower women through consulting, educational, cultural programs
  • show women different ways of self-defining
  • offer spaces for women, lesbians, projects, open meetings, and groups
  • raise awareness about women´s and gender issues in our society through public
    outreach and networking

Who we cater to

We want to offer all women, no matter their origin, background, sexual orientation,
level of education, physical and mental health, or age a refuge in a safe space for
women. By women we mean cis- and transgender women, lesbians, intersex and
non-binary people. Additionally, we offer information to all people and institutions.